Class of 2017 Results

Dear Parents, Year 12 Students, Staff, OSC and Future Families

Please find here a PDF of our 2017 School Leavers' results bulletin. While there are many things that happen in any given year at Scotch, the performance of our Year 12's is an important milestone to both acknowledge and celebrate as a community. It is always important to understand that the simple analysis that appears in the press at this time of the year barely scratches the surface of what schools offer their students.

Even our attached summary only provides a macro analysis of the 2017 results. Underneath this analysis there are many incredible personal stories of our boys and their families, which only they will appreciate at this time of year.

I trust you find the attached of interest. I strongly encourage you to read the summary even though you may not have a son in Year 12. It is important that the whole community shares in this time of the year and understands how proud we are of the diversity of our students' successes. I wish all of the 2017 Year 12 leavers the very best in their future endeavors.

Dr A J O'Connell